Saturday, April 7, 2012

Review: New York Street Vendors

I spent this past week in New York, where restaurants raped me of my money for mediocre meals. After deciding that $15 was way too much money to spend on a sandwich, a few of my friends and I decided to pull a Law & Order and indulge in greasy hot dogs from a street vendor. 

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla
There isn't much to say about the street vendors in New York. The food was amazing, the prices were cheap, and the guy selling us the food was more interested in his phone conversation than my order. As a city kid, this is nothing new to me. Although Chicago doesn't have carts with kitchens built in them, they did remind me of fast food around the city (like the ones in University Village).

Photo by: Kara Highfill

Even though their food was pretty good and reasonably priced, one thing I hated was the fact that nobody seemed to know what pickle relish is. I still think they didn't have relish at any of the hot dog stands because they knew we were from Chicago. They obviously have something against Chicago stye hot dogs. (Try asking for a New Yorker for a Chicago style hot dog, and you will get stared down. Trust me.)

In the end, if you're in New York you can't pass up a greasy hot dog from a greasy hot dog vendor. So whatever you decide to order from one of these kitchen on wheels, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Review: In-N-Out

Exactly one year ago, when my friend and I went to California for spring break, I discovered and fell in love with In-N-Out Burger. I've had some pretty awesome burgers in the past, but this was by far the best burger I have ever tasted.

Photo by: Janaan Hashim

Unfortunately, though, In-N-Out is not available in the Midwest. So whenever I go to the west coast, which is surprisingly often, I make sure to visit the privately owned diner.

The thing I love most about In-N-Out is that they have three options: double cheeseburger, regular cheeseburger, and a traditional hamburger (and of course fries and shakes and soft drinks). The simplicity of the menu makes it easy to decide what to order. My personal favorite is their regular burger, which is always cooked to perfection. It's so good it makes me depressed that we don't have one in Chicago.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

So if you decide to make the ridiculously long trip to taste a life changing burger, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Review: RA Sushi Bar

Since I'm a giant foodie, I'm not afraid to try out new things. I can eat anything and convince myself it's God's gift to this world. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet.


Whenever I tell people I love raw fish, most look at me like I'm insane. But I don't really care because sushi is amazing and if I wouldn't die of mercury poisoning, I would eat it every day.

I've been to a number of sushi bars, but the one that stands out to me most is Ra. I was first introduced to the chain last summer and I fell in love. Not only is the decor and overall feel of the restaurant really pleasant, but the prices are decent as well.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

My favorite thing about Ra is their happy hour menu. Every Monday-Saturday, from 3-7 pm Ra offers their customers $2-$7 (select) sushi, appetizers and tapas. Although I don't always catch happy hour, the fact that they offer super cheap (and super yummy) sushi makes me want to hug someone.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

If you like to play it safe and you don't want to eat fish that may or may not poison you, Ra is still a good option to consider. Their menu offers a number of dishes, both cooked and raw, which makes it perfect for everyone.

So whether you're daring enough to try raw fish, or you decide to stick to cooked food, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Review: Chipotle

Throughout the years, Chipotle has quickly become one of my favorite places to go to with friends. Its cool and fun atmosphere and great burritos always keep me coming back for more. It has become one of my favorite places to dine and I don't think I will ever get sick of it.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

Part of the reason why I love Chipotle so much is because I've got my order down to a T. It's taken me about a year to perfect my burrito/burrito bowl and I've finally got it down to perfection. There are probably a hundred different ways to order a burrito, taco, or burrito bowl but here's my favorite combination of ingredients:

I start off by ordering a steak burrito with brown rice and grilled veggies. Then, I ask for mild AND hot sauce, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, and corn. It's basically a steak burrito with almost everything. I find that the many different ingredients creates a wonderful mix of different tastes and textures, which is my absolute favorite thing about burritos.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

Overall, I would highly recommend Chipotle if you're craving a burrito that's bigger than your head. All the fresh ingredients and cruelty free meat selections are amazing, and the vibe of the Mexican grill is very inviting.

So whether you decide to indulge in a giant burrito, a delicious taco, or a bag of chips and guac, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Review: Thai Bowl

One of my favorite things about going to school in the city is the chance to eat at little restaurants every so often. My current favorite restaurant to grab a quick lunch at has been Thai Bowl. Its close proximity and cheap, delicious options makes the family owned business a great place to dine.

I was introduced to Thai Bowl last semester. At first, I wasn’t entirely sure if I liked it, considering it was really late and I was really hungry. And when it’s late and I’m hungry I can eat crayons and convince myself they taste good.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla
The one thing I really love about Thai Bowl is that they are great at making dishes specific to your liking. I’m not a very picky person, but I’m very specific about how I want certain meals made, and the chefs at Thai Bowl have always been happy to help.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

My favorite dishes to try at any Thai restaurant are noodle dishes. Something about the way they prepare them is always comforting to indulge in. And although I can always make myself Ramen Noodles and have both comfort and deliciousness in three minutes, I would much rather go out and buy a big bowl of yumminess (which says a lot, because I’m the laziest person in the whole world).

So if you decide to try a hearty dish, or just savor some bubble tea, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Battle of the Coffee

During the school days I always start my morning off with a big cup of coffee. Since I make a horrible, vomit inducing pot at home, I always wait until I'm on campus to enjoy a hot (or cold) cup of caffeine. Since there are about a billion different coffee shops and kiosks around campus, I've tried dozens of different brews of coffee. While most cups of coffee I've tried tastes like water with a coffee bean dipped in it, Dunkin Donuts and the RP Cafe has the best tasting coffee I've had on campus thus far. Both have their perks and downfalls, however, if you're in dire need of a pick-me-up, both are great options.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

The main reason why I go to Dunkin Donuts is because it's familiar. I have known and loved the franchise for years, and even when they fail me, I always seem to come back for more. Although I like their coffee and delicious donuts, muffins, and sandwiches, it's not my absolute favorite. While I love their brew of coffee, they always seem to load it up with a ridiculous amount of sugar that will most likely stick me into a diabetic coma. Although this might not seem like a big deal, it becomes very annoying after a while, which is how I discovered RP Cafe.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

As I was walking to class one day, I was complaining in my head about my over-sugared coffee. After walking for what seemed like forever, I decided to take a shortcut through the "north star" of campus. As I was about to leave the building, I noticed a little cafe in the corner of the building. Needless to say, I was so excited that I bought a cup of coffee even though I already had a coffee in hand. Their coffee tastes almost exactly like the brew Dunkin Donuts has, except has a self serve sugar station so it's never too sugary. Even though the prices are almost identical, I enjoy the Cafe more than the franchise because of the friendly workers. I have yet to be served by anyone other than a super happy hipster, which always puts me into a great mood.

The one thing I love most about RP Cafe is that they offer punch cards. After finding this out, I immediately decided that this trumped all the good things about Dunkin Donuts. I mean, who doesn't love free coffee after buying nine?

Whether you decide to grab your coffee at the oh-so-famous Dunkin Donuts, or you decide to get a caffeine fix at a smaller business, like RP Cafe, have fun, drink up, and enjoy!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Review: Ferentino's Pizzeria

I'm a die hard foodie. I would go through great lengths and measures if I really wanted to indulge in something yummy. It's really a surprise that I'm not 500 pounds.

Last summer, my cousins introduced me to a local pizzeria in downtown Lake Forest. Like any other pizza shop, Ferentino's offers a variety of Italian dishes, but they're notorious for their amazing pizza and delicious pastas. And for the record, if I could, I would marry their pasta.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

Since there are only two locations, both in Lake Forest, it's a rare treat when I go. Although I typically visit Lake Forest almost every weekend to see my cousins, they usually object when I suggest we go there for lunch every week. But when we do go, it's almost magical.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

I've almost always had pasta each time I've visited, mainly because it's fun to order. They have to lists: one with all the pasta options, and another with all the sauces they offer and you can mix and match any way you like. Each time I try to get something new, and I have yet to be disappointed.

I'm never afraid to try something new, and when I found out that they offered clam sauce for their pasta, I died . The only down side to this sauce is that the clam to pasta ratio wasn't equal, and in the end I was left with a pile of clams and no pasta to eat them with.

So, if you decide to drive the dozens of miles to indulge in a plate of life changing pasta, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!