Thursday, January 26, 2012

Battle of the Froyo

College students are known to be three things: tired, broke, and froyo obsessed. Nobody likes the first two, but the latter offers something none other can- the comfort of guilt free ice cream when things get stressful, rough, and out of hand. Since frozen yogurt has become a new trend, it is often difficult to find the perfect vender to buy the delicious treat from. The two most popular franchises I have seen in Chicago are Pinkberry and Red Mango, both fantastically yummy.
Photo by: Maryem Abdulla
Although popular in California and New York, Pinkberry is a fairly new concept here in the Midwest, and it took the city by storm. At only $2.50 ($3.95 with toppings) it's a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth. Although the texture of the frozen yogurt can be a little runny after a while, the pleasant and serene atmosphere makes its few flaws hard to notice.
Photo by: Maryem Abdulla
By contrast, Red Mango has been around the Chicagoland area since 2008 and quickly became popular. Like Pinkberry, a small cup of froyo is only $2.50 (with extra charges for toppings) and with the huge variety of dry and fruit toppings, you can't go wrong with it. The laid back feel to the store is always inviting and it somehow always makes me want to come back for more.
Although both are delicious and fairly cheap, my top choice for a frozen treat would definitely be Red Mango. Its rich flavor, yummy toppings, and the truly frozen-till-you-eat-it texture makes me happy to be alive. Whatever your preference may be, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!


  1. I think this a great topic to write about because I love food, especially tasty treats like yogurt and ice cream. I have not had the pleasure of visiting Pinkberry or Red Mango however I have visited a place called Yogen Fruz which is quite similar. Yogen Fruz is located on the UIC campus on Taylor Street and offers very delicious yogurt. I loved the yogurt because I was able to choose several different fruits to mix into the vanilla yogurt which created a fruity flavor using my favorite fruits. They also allow you to choose toppings or choose a creation that Yogen Fruz has put together. I have only been there twice but I really enjoyed and will definitely go back soon.

  2. I agree, food is probably the perfect topic to write about because who doesn't love food? I've actually never had the pleasure of eating frozen yogurt anywhere except Old Country Buffet and that was a very long time ago. I don't know why, but when I think of frozen yogurt, my mind jumps to smoothies, and because I don't like smoothies, I decide to avoid it. After reading this, I think I should actually go try some again. I'm trying to eat healthier and I think frozen yogurt might be the perfect way to do that and satisfy my sweet tooth. It also sounds like a good way to get some more fruit in my diet.
