Thursday, February 2, 2012

Review: Conte Di Savoia

Conte Di Savoia has been a family favorite for years. Growing up, every Sunday afternoon my parents would take my siblings and me to the little Italian deli to grab a quick lunch. Throughout the years, my family became good friends with the mom and pop shop owners, which makes it all the more enjoyable to visit.

Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

As the economy declined and small businesses started to go under, Conte Di Savoia remained alive and well. It's charming atmosphere and friendly workers is only one small aspect of their success. Along with the homey feel, their delicious sandwiches, salads, and seafood always leaves a customer coming back for more.

Although many small shops change as they grow, Conte Di Savoia maintained it's charm as the years went on. Despite the fact that they haven't expanded into a franchise business, the small shop still manages stick to their philosophy to provide the best possible products and outstanding service as they did in 1948 when it first opened. As a loyal customer, I definitely agree with their claims, as their food is the same amazing quality as it was 18 years ago when my family first discovered it.
Photo by: Maryem Abdulla

My usual order of turkey provolone has always been my favorite, however I decided to step out of my very narrow sandwich comfort zone and ordered a turkey pastrami. Although it is a little different from what I'm accustomed to, the fresh bread and savory ingredients complemented the meat nicely, and made it an overall tasty lunch.

Whether you decide to try their sandwiches, salads, or fine wines, have fun, eat up, and enjoy!

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